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Medicaid Planning Law Firm in Cape Girardeau, MO

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Save Time & Money by Skipping Probate

This afternoon I have a young client coming in. In fact, she just celebrated her 18th birthday. So you may be asking yourself, why would a young woman need to come see an estate planning and elder law attorney shortly after her 18th birthday? The reason: because her deceased father didn’t do any estate planning, […]

“So What Is ELDER LAW?”

On the door of my new law office, it says “Estate Planning & Elder Law”. It didn’t take long for someone to ask the question, “So what is Elder Law?” Elder Law means that we strive to serve a broad range of legal issues that affect seniors including business succession planning, estate planning, long-term care […]

Starting a Business with Partners? Make sure to do this First!

Recently four guys from the area contacted me. Together they planned on purchasing over a dozen rental properties. Each brought something to the table: capital to finance the project, construction and rehab skills, accounting and paperwork, and experience with rental properties. The one with the experience was the one who insisted they set up a Limited […]

All Trusts are NOT the Same

While trusts can be confusing at first to the lay person, trusts can be a valuable estate planning tool. Common types of trusts in Missouri include: • Revocable Living Trusts. Becoming increasingly popular for Missouri residents because it allows families to avoid the court-supervised Probate procedure at death and provides for a faster and less-costly […]

Can Annual Gifts Be Made Retroactively?

Been working with a New Madrid family that has worked hard over the last several decades and have accumulated an estate that is likely to cause there to be federal estate tax when they die. They were anxious to determine what needed to be done to reduce the ultimate federal estate tax burden. We had […]

Can I Keep My Car in Bankruptcy?

Today I had a phone call from a potential client. She had just received a notice that her wages were going to be garnished. She was concerned that if her wages were garnished her family wouldn’t be able to pay their remaining bills to keep the lights on and food in the pantry. A co-worker […]

3 Concerns Common Among Estate Planning Clients

Recently I worked with a family who had a family farm just outside Cape Girardeau county. They told me they had three main estate planning concerns. First, they had two kids. They wanted to make sure that when they were gone, their son and daughter would be treated fairly. It was also important to them […]

Estate Planning Workshops in Cape Girardeau

Last week we held 2 estate planning workshops – one in Cape Girardeau and one in Jackson. The major purpose of these workshops is to educate individuals about what happens with no planning and the difference planning can make. I have yet to have someone attend the workshop and tell me that they didn’t learn […]

Cost of Nursing Home in Cape Girardeau County

As an attorney focused on Elder Law, many clients ask me, “How much does a nursing home around Cape Girardeau cost?” The answer is that it depends on which facility you go into. Different facilities have different rates… and they change frequently. As of November 1, 2016, here is the cost of skilled nursing facilities […]

Bankruptcy Can Be a Fresh Start

The first time I was asked to assist with a bankruptcy case, my initial reaction was, “OK, I’ll take one for the team, but this isn’t something I want to do.” That first case completely changed my perspective. It was a mom and dad who had 2 young kids. In the past the dad had a very […]

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FREE Medicaid Planning Blog Digest

Available topics include medicaid planning, long-term care planning and estate planning.
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